For your safety and the safety of our staff, things will be different…
Our staff will be wearing facemasks, we strongly encourage you to wear them in our dining room as well.
Hand sanitizer will be available upon entering the building, please use it.
White markings will be on the floor to indicate 6ft distances, please follow them.
Gov. Beshear is allowing 33% capacity, so you will see several tables closed off. Please do not remove these closures.
All meals will be served in disposable containers and there will be a trash receptacle and tray drop positioned near the exit for your waste and used trays.
When refilling your drinks, please completely remove your lid and straw to avoid the spread of germs..
We ask that you please do your best to practice social-distancing while in our restaurant and please, if you have a fever or any symptoms of Covid19, come back when you are symptom-free!
Thank you for your continued support through this, we look forward to dining with you again!